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            Karol potrafi ująć na swoich zdjęciach, te słodkie, spokojne i intymne chwile między dwojgiem ludzi, ale także i to że uczucia te wpisane były w tak oszałamiający koloryt i różnorodność technik, że nie ma wątpliwości, iż mamy do czynienia z prawdziwym artystą.


            Nasza sesja w Żelazowej Woli była nie zapomnianym przeżyciem. Nie dość, że bawiliśmy się świetnie w towarzystwie, to na dodatek Karol nie pozwolił nam niemalże odczuć swojej obecności. Efekt końcowy w pełni zaspokoił w nasze oczekiwanie, na dodatek spotkaliśmy w naszym życiu człowieka z którym przyjaźnimy się do dzisiaj.


P.S. Mamy ogromny, pękaty album, który przeglądamy co najmniej raz w tygodniu. Jest tak duży z jednego powodu – gdyż ma zmieścić jeszcze jedną małą osóbkę, której będziemy pokazywać zdjęcia  zrobione przez Karola.


Agnieszka i Sebastian B. 

Karol Pruski is the photographer that every „just married” couple dream of.

His perfect eye of the professionalist sees the world in such way, that  the wedding photos become unforgettable.

His professional attitude joined with understanding is something we haven’t met before.

We are really impressed by Karol’s world of photography and his attitude.

We look at our wedding photos with joy, to recall those unforgettable moments of our life.

Karol has taken a lot of interesting photos in the church and also open air, and presented them in a very interesting and original way , using the highest quality photo paper.

These photos – full of art – kept our emotions and moods. We truly recommend Karol as a “happiness sensitive” person, who will keep this wonderful and the most important time in everyone’s life, in his photos.


            Malgorzata & Stefano

Panie Karolu,

dziękuję w imieniu swoim i

Wielki podziw dla Pana pracy i talentu!

Bylibyśmy zaszczyceni móc z Panem współpracować. 

Sylvia and Piotr Pregowski, Warsaw


Photos have been always a very important element for us.

When we were looking for the photographer for our wedding, we weren’t satisfied with the same POZY used by the majority of photographers.

We were looking for something with soul and atmosphere and ……we found THIS THING in Karol’s photos.

We truly would like to recommend photo services of Karol Pruski.


July 26, 2003 – this date was very important for us – it was the date of our wedding.

We wanted everything to be special that day. And we succeeded.

Frankly speaking – we weren’t able to look closer at the whole visual setting during the wedding.

Candles in the church, flowers compositions, guests, we have forgotten about these all small things.

Fortunately, Karol Pruski was there with his professional equipment.

We saw everything in our photo album afterwards.

Karol’s photo service was composed on a very high level, the trustworthy service. Karol has a huge potential and skills which allow him to catch such beautiful moments.

Open air photo session, made by Karol on 26th September 2003 , fully met our expectations.

Karol can make every session unusual, full of excellent mood

which is needed to have natural and spontaneous photos. He can fix those unforgettable moments, look, gestures this, what makes our photos beautiful memento.

We admire Karol’s professionalism, his artistic sense and incredible

skills to play with light and shadows.

His professional experience background can be seen from the very beginning of the cooperation.


We’ll be using Karol’s services for sure in the future, to immortalize the most important moments for us.

We recommend Karol with a full responsibility !!!!!

Thank you!!!

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